













































Data Systems for Sleds





















































































































Upcoming SnoPro seminar October 15-16 in Gaylord, MI is POSTPONED! New date is TBD. Hosted by MIRA Snowmobile Association. Learn more here: SnoTechnica 2022

The SnoPro lineup consists of four different products depending upon your needs and budget.  Each of these systems interface with the powerful RaceStudio3 set-up software, which also manages track coordinates and SmartyCams. RaceStudio Analysis is still used as before, so your legacy data is still useful.

These are not partial systems.  They are complete, ready to install in your sled.  In addition, there are many optional sensors and accessories that allow you to customize your installation.  By far , they are the most effective and affordable data acquisition systems for your racing snowmobile, SnoPro systems are second-to-none in providing so much information with such little time or budget.  CONTACT US for help determining which system is best for your application.


























































































Why the Pro's choose SnoPro...




































As we introduced in the SnoMAX, it is possible to accurately measure and analyze clutch belt slip under all track conditions, making proper clutch set-up a lot easier. The good news doesn't stop there.  With a modern SnoPro system, you can accurately:




























Click here for a side-by-side comparison of the SnoPro lineup

















  • evaluate engine, clutch and suspsension variables for any sled (drag, circle track, speed run, or SnoX).
  • See/record ECU data, via customizable CAN streams (currently available for Arctic Cat, Ski-Doo, and Polaris sleds)
  • measure and record lateral G forces in turns
  • measure and record inline acceleration G forces, for launch analysis
  • measure and record vertical G forces
  • measure any temperature or pressure
  • measure air / fuel mixtures
  • measure RPM
  • record lap times and draw course maps for any track
  • show turn radius actually driven for each turn and each lap
  • measure sled height above the snow
  • create any number of math channels, such as air-density, clutch ratios, track slip, etc.




































































Looking for Setup/Analysis software?

Download it here!


















































CLICK on a system for more details.










































(available for Arctic Cat, Ski-Doo, and Polaris)











































































Portable, economical ECU-only logger. Suitable for sleds with OEM ECU. GPS built into display. Special Harnessing available to attach Jackshaft Speed or Belt RPM.























PC Interface:


























































































(available for all makes)














































Resurrection of original SnoPro, and more!. Combination Display Logger with Mil-spec harness included for 4 sensors and 2 speeds, plus RPM. Conventional or ECU-based RPM & other data. GPS inside display.





















PC Interface:



























































































(available for all makes)













































We took the world's most popular snowmobile data system, the SnoMAX, and gave it even more! ECU interface and nearly unlimited channel input capabilities give you all the data you'll ever need. Display is optional, so unit may be hidden under the bonnet or seat. Included GPS module may be mounted anywhere.























































PC Interface:


SD card (option)























































































(available for all makes)







































































Professional-grade variant of the SnoMax-S with 2 user-definable CAN buses, WIFI, and SDcard recording built-in. Uses two professional Mil-Spec harnesses, which may be custom built to your needs.




























PC Interface:



SD card (built-in)
























































































BYO SnoPro

Custom Build-Your-Own system, using starter kits!





































o     SnoPro Comparision Table


Starter Kits

o      Kompact

o      Club

o      SnoMAX-S

o       SnoMAX-V









































































Legacy SnoMAX Systems

(prior to 2018)

















































Precision AutoResearch

901 Hillside Drive

Bensenville, IL 60106  USA

(630) 766-4402